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Bitcoin (BTC) Address
{ "page": 0, "chart_address_history": [[1721796370000,32371.32120778],[1722602259000,32371.32121778],[1723936540000,32371.32122556],[1723975114000,32371.32123103],[1724568103000,32371.32123649],[1724977323000,32371.32124195],[1730763491000,3.417E-5],[1731281987000,0.0]] }
{ "page": 0 }

Activtiy Screening

  0:00 to 6:00 6:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 18:00 18:00 to 24:00
Mon - - - -
Tue - - - -
Wed - - - -
Thu - - - -
Fri - - - -
Sat - - - -
Sun - - - -
{ "page": 0 }

Global Footprint

All values below are calculated over all transactions done by this address witht the elecricity consumption af that particular day when the transaction was done. we calculated the footprint based on the size/weidght of the transactions, menating bigger transactions have a proportional bigger share of the total consumption

Power Usage
0.00 KWh
Kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equal to one kilowatt of power sustained for one hour or 3600 kilojoules (3.6 megajoules). It is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities.

Resulting Costs
0.00 US$
The total cost of miners to mine your transactions is based on 0.054137 USD cent per KWh

CO2 Emissions
0.00 Kg

This is an estimate based on the average known source of eletricity CO2 usage depends heavily on the source. This results is based on the indication that 69.4524% sourced by fossil energy and 30.5476% is based on renewable energy.

Breakdown by energy source
Natural Gas
0.00 Kg
Fuel Oil
0.00 Kg
Hard coal
0.00 Kg
0.00 Kg
0.00 Kg
0.00 Kg
0.00 Kg
0.00 Kg

Energy Benchmarks

CO2 Benchmarks