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Welcome to Glasschain.org
Glasschain.org is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland. Our goal is to reduce fraud in Bitcoin and other crypto networks and to enable people to use crypto currencies as medium and long-term alternative for payments and to freely transfer their assets between crypto and fiat currencies, in accordance with the existing money transfer infrastructure, authorities and institutes. We created this website for the public and it is free for anyone to use.
Who we are
Glasschain.org is a non-profit foundation in Switzerland with the goal to reduce fraud within the Bitcoin network. We have created this website for the public and it can be used by anyone free of charge. Understanding the problems that come along with Bitcoin, we know that the only way to reduce fraud is to make it very hard, to get away with it. The success of that undertaking, relies a lot users reporting fraudulent activity as well as us attacking each and every case. Currently, only wealthy individuals or corporations have the means to invoke a blockchain investigation but with glasschain.org, now everyone can bringing more transparency than ever before.
It is the sole purpose of glasschain.org to give users a chance to recover bitcoins (or a fraction of it) that have been stolen or in any other way lost by someone committing a criminal act. Most scammers, blackmailers, extortionists and even hackers are mostly using Bitcoin much less anonymous, then they think they do.
How it works
Find the address you are looking for by entering it on the landing page into the search box. You will be displayed detailed information about that bitcoin address and can see whether there has been made some reports already.
By reporting a fraudulent address, exchanges and service provider can stop criminals from cashing out or moving funds further as they can see that the funds have been tainted.
Track the fund movement by monitoring / following a bitcoin address. You will be notified by email if there is any further reports coming in or the funds are moved to a known platform (exchange, etc.).
I got scammed

If you have been scammed, hacked or have lost bitcoins, it is first of all important to make sure, this cannot happen again. The first step must always be to understand HOW it could happen, otherwise it will be happening to you again with the same or any other wallet you use.
The next step is to gather as much evidence as possible. This is thanks to the use of a public ledger in the case of bitcoin, fairly simple. Important are transactions, addresses, etc. as well as any correspondence (if applicable) with a perpetrator.
Once you have all data together, you should file a report with us. Usually, you will end up with 1 or more transaction where the receiver (Output of the bitcoin transaction) is the malicious party and this is the address (ore more), that you should report to us so we can track it and notify you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a wallet on glasschain.org?
We cluster (group) addresses for UTXO (like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin) based blockchains into wallets. Chances are 99%+ that those addresses belong to the same company or user. This means that if you are looking at an address that shows is part of a wallet with 10 other addresses, those are in fact 10 addresses in 1 wallet, hence belong to the same Identity.
Is the data reliable and 100% correct?
The data is reliable and 100% correct when it comes to blockchain based data such as transactions, balances, etc. Where the data is not guaranteed correct but still extremely accurate is when it comes to Identifications of wallets (Identities) and the wallet clustering. This data is the result of a heuristic algorithm that has a small fault tolerance.
Where can I report data?
If the data is a fraud, just report it by hitting the red button “REPORT” on top of the page while you are on the address that you would like to report. Make sure to read the how it works manual first. If you have other information like addresses that belong to a cryptocurrency service, contact us via chat at the bottom of the website.
Is the data live?
Yes the data is live. You can see at the bottom of the page the blocks that have been imported for Bitcoin. This is an indication about the actuality of our data.
What is the Bitcoin Global Footprint page?
Bitcoin uses a lot of electricity. We break the usage down to consumption of a particular address or wallet. Consumption means that we calculate it based on the sending behavior and the space used in the bitcoin network for that particular address or wallet. The data is indicative. We do currently only have data for the Bitcoin electricity consumption and no other blockchains. For more details, see the article Bitcoin and Electricity and to see blockchain wide electricity consumption, visit the Bitcoin Footprint page.
What is a virgin Bitcoin?
It’s a bitcoin that has never been used (a virgin) and comes straight from the COINBASE transaction that is awarded to the miner of a block. A virgin Bitcoin is an unspent transaction output (UTXO) that has had no prior outputs. A virgin Bitcoin is basically the only bitcoin without any prior transaction history.
Will Glasschain.org help me recover my Bitcoins?
Not we cannot do this as we are only providing you a tool that simplifies the collaboration between you, the police and third parties.
Should I pay ransom?
Absolutely not. The moment you pay a criminal ransom, you support that business model. This is why that business exists in the first place. Besides that, most online ransoms are either not true (they most likely do not have a video of you watching adult content) or you will never get back what you lost. Either way, it’s a bad business deal and you should never pay.
Report a never used address, does that make sense?
Many extortion mails or requests come along with a bitcoin address. It is critical to report that address, even if you have not paid or the address is inactive. By adding it to the fraud list, we simply can show the world that this address is associated with a scammer.
I have lost my private key, can you help?
Unfortunately not. We cannot help you to retrieve your private key. Be cautions with whom you trust. If you start asking around for help, likely scammers will respond and claim they can help but need funds upfront.
Does my report have immediate effect on scammer?
Yes it does. This is why it is so important to report every single case. We work with various exchanges that would freeze funds temporarily, if they are sent from a wallet associated with fraudulent activity. Also it limits the ability for the scammer to cause more damage as people might google the address and find our website with your report.
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